School House Café is located in the St Paul's area of Cheltenham. The full address is:


School House Café

St Paul's Rd


GL50 4EZ

Getting Here


The School House Café is in the St Pauls area of Cheltenham (GL50 4EZ). The nearest car park is High Street (GL50 3HQ). The café is then a 10-minute walk from this location.

There is a regular bus service from Cheltenham Racecourse Park and Ride car park to the centre of Cheltenham. 


The School House Café  30-minute walk from Cheltenham Spa Railway Station. There is also taxi rank outside the station. The Stagecoach D bus service runs regularly from the train station to the centre of Cheltenham. 


There are regular bus services to Cheltenham Town Centre. Please check the Stagecoach website for the most up to date bus timetables. The School House Café is then a 15 minute walk from the Town Centre. 



The School House Café has step free access. Guide dogs are welcome in this venue, and there are accessible toilets but there is no hearing loop system available.